Neil Korsen, MD, MS is a physician scientist at the Center for Interdisciplinary Population & Health Research. He is co-investigator for the Community Engagement and Outreach core for the Northern New England Clinical and Translational Research Network. In this role, he is responsible for building the connections between MaineHealth and the Northern New England CO-OP Practice and Community Based Research Network. He serves as one of the Research Directors of the CO-OP and is part of an AHRQ Technical Expert Panel on Practice Based Research Networks.
Dr. Korsen is also the chair of the Maine Lung Cancer Coalition, a grant funded project to improve lung cancer prevention and screening across the state of Maine. The MLCC has been active since 2016 and Dr. Korsen has played various lead roles over the years.
His research experience includes work on depression in primary care, behavioral health integration, shared decision making, and practice redesign.
Dr. Korsen graduated from Hahnemann Medical College (now Drexel University School of Medicine) in 1979. He spent almost 20 years as a family physician and geriatrician in rural Maine. He left practice to pursue research training in 2001. He graduated from the Master’s program at the Center for the Evaluative Clinical Sciences at Dartmouth (now The Dartmouth Institute) in 2002.
Korsen, ‘Translating a Guideline into Practice: The USPSTF Recommendations on Screening for Depression in Adults’. American Family Physician 82:896-897. 2010.
Korsen and Pietruszewski, ‘Translating Evidence to Practice: Two Stories from the Field’. Journal of Clinical Psychology in Medical Settings, Vol. 16, pages 47-57, 2009.
Nutting, Gallagher, Riley, White, Dickinson, Korsen, and Dietrich, ‘Care Management for Depression in Primary Care: Findings from the RESPECT-Depression Trial.’ Annals of Family Medicine, Vol. 6, No.1, pages 30-37, 2008.
Korsen and Cartwright, ‘Developing and Disseminating a Model to Improve Depression Care in Primary Care Practices.’ Journal of Clinical Outomes Management, Vol. 13, No. 9, pages 506-511, 2006.
Letourneau, Korsen, Osgood and Swartz, Rural Communities Improving Quality Through Collaboration: The MaineHealth Story.’ Journal for Healthcare Quality, Vol. 28, No. 5, pages 15-27, 2006.
Rollman, Weinreb, Korsen, and Schulberg, Implementation of Guideline-Based Care for Depression in Primary Care. Administration and Policy in Mental Health and Mental Health Services Research, 2005.
Korsen, Scott, Dietrich, and Oxman, Implementing an Office System to Improve Primary Care Management of Depression. Psychiatric Quarterly, 2003, 74: 45-61.
Schneider C. and Korsen N., Complementary and Alternative Medical Approaches to Treating Depression in a Family Practice Setting. Clinics in Family Practice, 2002, 4: 873-893.
Solberg, Korsen, Oxman, Fischer and Bartels, “The Need for a System in the Care of Depression”, Journal of Family Practice, 1999 48:973-979.