Arturo Hernandez, PhD
Faculty Scientist III
Center for Molecular Medicine
Hernandez Lab
Delineating the roles of thyroid hormones in complex neurodevelopmental and neuroendocrine disorders.
A complete list of publications can be found on My NCBI
Hernandez A (2021). Towards Epigenetic Profiling of Thyroid Hormone Status. J. Clin. Endo. Metab. in press, dgab141,
Galton VA, Martinez ME, Dragon JA, St Germain DL and Hernandez A (2021). The Intrinsic Activity of Thyroxine is Critical for Survival and Growth and Regulates Gene expression in Neonatal Liver. Thyroid, 31(3): 528-541.
Martinez ME, Duarte CW, Stohn JP, Karaczyn A, Wu Z, DeMambro VE and Hernandez A (2020). Thyroid Hormone Influences Brain Gene Expression Programs and Behaviors in Later Generations by Altering Germ Line Epigenetic Information. Mol. Psychiatry 25: 939-950.
Stohn JP, Martinez ME, St. Germain DL and Hernandez A (2019). Adult Onset of Type 3 Deiodinase Deficiency Increases Locomotor Activity and Alters Brain Gene Expression. Psychoneuroendocrinology, in press. (
Martinez ME, Duarte CW, Karaczyn A, Griswold M and Hernandez A (2019). Spermatogonial Type 3 Deiodinase Regulates Thyroid Hormone Action in Developing Testicular Somatic Cells. Endocrinology, 160(12): 2929-2945.
Hernandez A (2019). Cognitive function in hypothyroidism: What is that deiodinase again? J Clin Invest, 129 (1): 55-57.
Hernandez A (2019). Thyroid Hormone and Alcoholic fatty Liver: The Developmental Input. Alcoholism: Clin and Exp Res 43(9):1834-8137.
Stohn JP, Martinez ME, Zafer M, Lopez-Espindola, D, Keyes LM, Hernandez A (2018). Increased Aggression and Lack of Maternal Behavior in DIO3-Deficient Mice are Associated with Abnormalities in Oxytocin and Vasopressin Systems. Genes, Brain and Behavior 17(1): 23-35.
Wu Z, Martinez ME, St. Germain DL and Hernandez A (2017). Type 3 Deiodinase Role on Central Thyroid Hormone Action Affects the Leptin-Melanocortin System and Circadian Activity. Endocrinology, 158: 419-430.
Stohn JP, Martinez ME and Hernandez A (2016). Decreased Anxiety- and Depression-like Behaviors and Hyperactivity in a Type 3 Deiodinase-Deficient Mouse Showing Brain Thyrotoxicosis and Peripheral Hypothyroidism. Psychoneuroendocrinology, 74: 46-56.
Stohn JP, Martinez ME, Matoin K, Morte B, Bernal J, Galton VA, St. Germain DL, Hernandez A (2016). MCT8 Deficiency in Male Mice Mitigates the Phenotypic Abnormalities Associated with the Absence of a Functional Type 3 Deiodinase. Endocrinology, 157(8): 3266-3277.
Martinez ME, Cox DF, Youth BP, Hernandez A (2016). Genomic imprinting of DIO3, a candidate gene for the syndrome associated with human uniparental disomy of chromosome 14. Eur J Human Genetics, 24: 1617-1621.
Martinez ME, Karaczyn A, Stohn JP, Donnelly WT, Croteau W, Peeters RP, Galton VA, Forrest D, St. Germain DL and Hernandez A (2016). The Type 3 Deiodinase is a Critical Determinant of Appropriate Thyroid Hormone Action in the Developing Testis . Endocrinology, 157(3): 1276-1288.
Hernandez A (2015). 3,5-Diiodo-L-Thyronine in Dietary Supplements: What are the physiological Effects? Endocrinology 156(1): 5-7.
Martinez ME, Charalambous M, Saferali A, Fiering SN, Naoumova A, St. Germain DL, Ferguson-Smith AC and Hernandez A (2014). Genomic Imprinting Variations in the Mouse Type 3 Deiodinase Gene Between Tissues and Brain Regions. Mol Endocrinology, 28 (11): 1875-1886.