Peter Brooks, PhD
Faculty Scientist III
Center for Molecular Medicine
Brooks Lab
Developing potential therapeutics that help the body activate its natural immune cells to detect and destroy tumor cell.
A complete list of publications can be found on My NCBI
Yang, X., Liaw, L., Prudovsky, I., Brooks, P. C., Vary, C., Oxburgh, L., and Friesel, R. FGF signaling in the vasculature. Curr. Ather. Reports. 17(6): 509.doi: 10.1007/s11883-015-0509-6. 2015.
Young K, Tweedie E, Conley B, Ames JJ, FitzSimons M, Brooks P. C., Liaw L, Vary CPH. BMP9 crosstalk with the Hippo pathway regulates endothelial cell matricellular and chemokine responses. PLoS ONE. 10(4):e0122892. doi: 10.137. /journal.pone.0122892. eCollection 2015.
Duarte, C. W., Murray, K., Lucas, F. L., Fairfield, K., Miller, H., Brooks, P. C., and Vary, P. H. Improved survival outcomes in cancer patients with hereditary hemorrhagic telangiectasia. Caner Epidemiol. Biomarkers Prev. 23: 117-125. 2014.
Fravreau, A. J., Vary, C. P. H., Brooks, P. C., and Sathyanarayana, P. Cryptic collagen IV promotes cell migration and Adhesion in Myeloid Leukemia. Cancer Med. 2: 265-272. 2014.
Contois, L. W., Akalu, A., Caron, J. M., Tweedie, E., Cretu, A., Henderson, T., Liaw, L., Friesel, R. E., Vary, C. P. M., and Brooks, P. C. Inhibition of tumor associated avb3 integrin regulates the angiogenic switch by enhancing expression of IGFBP-4 leading to reduced melanoma growth and angiogenesis in vivo. Angiogenesis. Doi: 10.1007/s10456-014-9445-2. 2014.
Gong, Y., Yang, X., He, Q., Gower, L., Prudovsky, I., Vary, C. P. H., Brooks, P. C., and Friesel, R. E. Sprouty-4 Regulates endothelial cell migration via modulating regulating integrin b3 stability through c-src. Angiogenesis; 16: 861-875. 2013.
Contois, LW., Nugent, DP., Caron, JM., Cretu, A., Tweedie, E., Akalu, A., Liebes, L., Friesel, R., Rosen, C., Vary, C., and Brooks, PC. Insulin-like growth factor binding protein-4 (IGFBP-4) differentially inhibits growth factor-induced angiogenesis. J. Biol. Chem.; 287:1779-1789. 2012.
Romero D, O’Neill C, Terzic A, Contois L, Young K, Conley BA, Bergan RC, Brooks PC, and Vary CP. Endoglin regulates cancer-stromal cell interactions in prostate tumors. Cancer Research. 71:3489-3493. 2011.