Next Steps for Providers

Complete our patient referral form to connect a patient with our oncology clinical trials program.

Next Steps for Patients

Complete our patient referral form to learn more about our clinical trials program.

If you are thinking about joining a clinical trial, talk to your doctor first. Get as much information as you can about the clinical research and available clinical trials. Because the treatment is new, researchers may not know fully the safety and effectiveness of a new drug, device or medical therapy. 

Experimental treatments may not work as well as standard treatments you would have had if you were not participating in a clinical trial. Clinical trial participants may also experience side effects. In many instances, the side effects are no greater in a clinical trial than they would be in standard therapy.

Talk to your doctor to find out if you qualify for cutting-edge care

In a clinical trial, you will get to try new cancer treatments that are specifically focused on your cancer tumor type. Researchers will learn how well the experimental treatment works and patients get extra care and support. For some patients, access to new cancer-fighting drugs and therapies offer hope when standard treatments have not worked. With clinical trials, patients receive:

  • Extra support and attention as they undergo new treatments
  • The chance to be helped by a brand-new treatment that otherwise is not offered
  • The opportunity to help doctors and scientists learn more about treating cancer
  • Why participate in a clinical research study? (PDF)

The MaineHealth Cancer Care Network was awarded a grant by the National Cancer Institute (NCI), as a member of the NCI Community Oncology Research Program (NCORP), to implement a new cancer research program that aims to reach more Mainers in their own cities and towns, ensuring they have access to the best possible patient care, including access to more advanced clinical trials in their home communities.  If you are a patient and thinking about joining a clinical trial, talk to your doctor first. There is also a form above to self refer.  If you are a provider and would like more information about NCORP, please contact the Clinical Trials Office (contact information below).

Clinical Trials Office

Tammy Myers, Director
301C US Route 1
Scarborough, Maine 04074

Clinical Trials Office

Tammy Myers, Director
301C US Route 1
Scarborough, Maine 04074