MaineHealth Institute for Research
Opening new doors
in detection and
treatment of diseases
Center for Applied Science & Technology
Research & development of new technologies for improved patient care
Center for Clinical & Translational Science
discoveries from bench to bedside
Center for Interdisciplinary Population & Health Research
improving patient-centered outcomes
making new discoveries about the molecular basis of human disease
Giving for Impact
Investing in Research
Your donation to research at MaineHealth Institute for Research (MHIR) is an investment in healthcare innovations and new treatments that offer hope.
MHIR strives to provide a growing, visionary, and nurturing environment for scientists with core strengths in molecular biology and genetics, outcomes and health services research, and clinical research.
Research to Enhance Patient Care
From our laboratories to the bedside, research is an essential part of MaineHealth’s mission. Our curiosity and determination are opening new doors in the understanding of disease processes that ultimately develop into better diagnostics and treatments, offering new hope to patients.